Saturday, September 25, 2010

Up and Down

This week the temperature has been high and low.  My own days have been up and down. As Lily and I walked this week I tried to pay attention to things that were both high and low.  Here is what I saw when I looked down...

Can you believe how RED this leaf is?

I really do love dandelions.  They look very simple at first: stem plus sphere.  I think the symmetry within the seed puff is beautiful.

I hope the owner comes back for this.  Lily and I will check on it today.

Here's what I saw when I looked up...
On a cool gray morning, it's nice to have this yellow greet you.

This day felt pretty dark.

Days are up and days are down.  Keep going.  Keep reaching...

1 comment:

  1. Hi - we really enjoy your words & photos- you take some great pictures. Lots of Love.
    We like both the dark & the light.
