Saturday, June 26, 2010

Just keep swimming...

This butterfly is for my beautiful friend, Lisa M.

The past few weeks have been pretty challenging. I am slowly recovering from injuries and doing my best not to be discouraged or impatient. I am not always successful! At the same time, our family has been hit with several unpleasant surprises. My friend, Lisa, has been living with breast cancer this past year, with both courage and grace. She told me when it all seems too much to bear, she thinks of Dorrie in "Finding Nemo" who repeats "Just keep swimming." over and over to keep herself going through the scary, massive ocean. This has really helped me on the bad days, Lisa. Merci mille fois!

One sunny morning, when I was happy to be walking again, but feeling sore, Lily and I saw this trailer...

You go, girls! You are superheroes!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A series of unfortunate events...

Does this flower bed look sad and empty to you, or waiting with anticipation? Lately I have been reminded that each new day is affected by the way I look at it. I try not to let the weeds strangle me, and instead pull them out one at a time, making room for new blossoms.

I haven't been able to walk Lily regularly for the past few weeks due to an injury, and I have really missed it! When I was able to take Lily out, I again brought the camera along. Here are some photos of what we saw, in no particular order.

Pinecones are still a favourite.

Lily loves the morning sunshine!

Have a yummy day!